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BNAC Appoints New Team of Officers

April 27, 2014

BNAC’s Annual General Meeting held on 25 April 2014 elected a new team of officers as follows:

Chair: David Gellner, General Secretary: Krishna Adhikari and Treasurer: Celayne Heaton Shrestha.

Left to right: Surya Subedi, David Gellner, Mike Hutt, Krishna Adhikari and Celayne Heaton Shrestha

The meeting, chaired by Michael Hutt,  was held as part of the BNAC Study Days, in 64 Banbury Rd, Oxford (School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, Univ. of Oxford).

The meeting also agreed that the outgoing officers, namely Chairman Michael Hutt, General Secretary Ian Harper and Treasurer Mara Malagodi will become members of the Executive Committee.

General meeting, chaired by Michael Hutt

In the meeting it was reported that the 2014 Annual Lecture would be given by Robin Coningham, in the Djam Lecture Theatre, SOAS, 6 p.m., 19/11/14. Similarly, the lecturer for 2015 will be Abhi Subedi.

It was agreed to hold the Study Days in SOAS in 2015, with necessary support from the UCL.

The meeting thanked the out-going officers for everything they had done in their 3.5 year tenure.

For news in Nepali click here.


For more information and enquiries please contact BNAC Chair, Dr Sara Parker by
email: S.L.Parker@ljmu.ac.uk

BNAC Executive Board have produced a brochure to publicise the Council's activities. Please click here to download a PDF (13 MB)

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