Mara Malagodi
Research Interests: Comparative constitutional law, South Asian laws (esp. Nepal, India, Pakistan), Human rights, Law and conflict.
Dr Sara Parker
Rresearch Interests: Non formal education; participatory action research; visual methods; fair trade; gender and education
Avash Piya
Research Interests: Youth and migration, Gurkhas, Nepali diaspora, Gurungs and ethnicity
Ramji Poudel
Research Interests: Corporate governance, corporate finance, financial accounting and reporting, management accounting
Dr Mahesh Poudyal
Research interests: socio-economic and institutional aspects of natural resources management and utilisation, climate change, poverty and rural livelihoods
Hanna Ruszczyk
Research Interests: How is resilience understood in the urban context of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal and Bihar State, India, elements of community resilience, how to increase resilience to earthquakes
Dr Sangita Shrestha
Research Interests: Environment and science communication, Environmental media discourses, Public environmental knowledge, Nepal and Nepalese Diaspora
Dr Fraser Sugden
Research interests: Agrarian change; Marxist theory; Irrigation and water management; Climate change
Dr Punam Yadav
General Secretary
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