News Britain - Nepal Academic CouncilNews

Workshop on Britain-Nepal Relations Organised

March 27, 2016

Marking the 200 years of the establishment of Britain-Nepal relations, BNAC organized a workshop on 23rd March 2016. The workshop, which was organized in Djam Lecture Theatre SOAS, London had seven papers presented followed by discussions on the historical aspects of Britain-Nepal relations.

There was a public event in the evening starting with a reception (17.15-18.15) followed by an important Bicentenary Public Lecture (18.15-19.45) given by historian John Whelpton on ‘The Limits of Nationalism: Political Identity in Nepal and the British Isles’ The public lecture was chaired by BNAC Chairman, Prof. David Gellner.


Financial and other supports for the workshop came from All Souls College, Oxford; Britain-Nepal Academic Council; SOAS South Asia Institute

In the first session, which was chaired by Prof. Michael Hutt, the IPP of BNAC, three papers were presented: by Tom Bell on ‘What Happened to Kinloch’s Expedition to Kathmandu?’, by Bernardo Michael on ‘States and Territories: The Anglo-Gorkha War as a “Diagnostic Event”’ and by Charles Allen on ‘The Case of the Adulterous Sweeper: B.H. Hodgson and Conflicts between Hindu and British Indian Law in Nepal’

In the second session, which was chaired by Prof Gellner, two papers were presented by Krishna Adhikari on ‘The First Nepali in England: Motilal Singh and PM Jang Bahadur Rana’ and Sanjeev Uprety on ‘Jung Bahadur, Chandra Shumsher, and Gurkha Soldiers: British and Nepali Representations of their Masculinities’

The third session and final session, which was chaired by Dr Krishna Adhikari, General Secretry of BNAC, saw two papers presented: by Bryony Whitmarsh on ‘Reflecting Political Allegiances Through the Design of the Narayanhiti Royal Palace’ and by Ian Harper & Jeevan Sharma ‘Britain-Nepal Relations through the Prism of Aid’.

Listen the Public Lecture (You Tube)

Photos of the event is available in BNAC Facebook page.

News in Nepali is available here (external link): http://wenepali.com/2016/03/19133.html


For more information and enquiries please contact BNAC Chair, Dr Sara Parker by
email: S.L.Parker@ljmu.ac.uk

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