MARCH 2025

News Britain - Nepal Academic CouncilNews

BNAC and Martin Chautari Initiate a New Lecture Series.

December 18, 2019

Britain Nepal Academic Council (BNAC) and Martin Chautari have started a collaborative initiative to organise a new lecture series themed as the Martin Chautari – BNAC Lecture Series.

The idea is to promote knowledge exchange between the two organisations, by offering BNAC members and other UK-based academics and researchers a  platform for sharing their research in Kathmandu. Martin Chautari will host the lecture in Kathmandu on a mutually agreed date and time.

BNAC Chair, Dr Krishna Adhikari said, This is a good news for BANC to formally collaborate with yet another noted research institution in Nepal. This offers further opportunities for BNAC members to share their research. We would like to urge our members and other UK-based researchers to get in touch if they would like to share their work through this platform.

The lecture will be organised on an occasional basis, as and when a speaker is available. Nepal-based speakers also could give a lecture under this series.

The first lecture is being organised on the 5th January 2020, and will be delivered by BNAC’s Sara Parker, and her Nepali colleagues Rajya Laxmi Gurung and Lisa Baniya.

BNAC members could also engage with a longer reading workshops at Martin chautari



For more information and enquiries please contact BNAC Chair, Dr Sara Parker by
email: S.L.Parker@ljmu.ac.uk

BNAC Executive Board have produced a brochure to publicise the Council's activities. Please click here to download a PDF (13 MB)

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