JULY 2024

Nepal Study Days Britain - Nepal Academic CouncilActivitiesNepal Study Days

Call for Papers for the 2022 Nepal Study Days (hosted by the University of Oxford)

November 12, 2021

12 November, 2021

Call for Papers  (CLOSED)

19th BNAC Nepal Study Days

Hosted by Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology (ISCA), the University of Oxford (with Centre for Nepal Studies UK)

13-14 April 2022

[Update : To be run in a hybrid mode, allowing both physical (at Oxford) and online participation]

The Britain-Nepal Academic Council (BNAC) invites scholars and practitioners from all disciplines as well as the curious general public to participate in the 19th BNAC Nepal Study Days in Oxford. We welcome proposals for contributions that share research findings related to Nepali society or the broader Nepali cultural world. Research from all disciplines will be considered, including work relating to the Nepali diaspora. We particularly invite submissions that report on studies at an advanced stage or that have been recently completed. Details of previous study days can be accessed online here We would also be happy to receive proposals for posters to share project descriptions and research findings.

If you are interested in participating, please send a brief abstract (not exceeding 300 words) to ‘The Organisers’ at: bnacstudyday@gmail.com. The list of abstracts will be circulated in advance, with full papers presented on the day.

Registration Fees:

BNAC members:                        Free registration (There will be small charges for lunch, tea/coffee for those who will be present physically)

Non-members:                           £30.00 (including lunch, tea/coffee for those who will be present).

Participants from Nepal:          Free participation.

Small bursaries towards travel costs within the UK will be made available to students whose presentations are accepted. There will be case by case considerations for the registration fee wavier for students presenting online.


Abstract submission:                                         Monday, 7 March 2022

Notification of acceptance:                                 Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Conference registration for presenters:          Friday1 April 2022

Participants who are not presenting papers can register by Monday 11 April 2022.

The application (abstract submission) form can be found here (Word, PDF) !

We encourage prospective participants to apply for or renew their membership for 2022 in time to be eligible for free conference registration. To download the membership application form and for other details about BNAC membership, please visit www.bnac.ac.uk/membership/.

For more information and registration, please contact the Study Days organizing team at: bnacstudyday@gmail.com.

Organising Committee:

Krishna Adhikari (Oxford)

David Gellner (Oxford)
Naresh Khapangi (CNSUK)



For more information and enquiries please contact Dr Krishna Adhikari by
email: krishna.adhikari@anthro.ox.ac.uk

BNAC Executive Board have produced a brochure to publicise the Council's activities. Please click here to download a PDF (13 MB)

Please click here to join our free email list about BNAC events and activities.

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