MARCH 2025

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*deadline extended to 30 June 2022. Call for Papers for International Conference on Sudurpaschim Studies

April 18, 2022

      https://fwu.edu.np/conference.html | Email: conference@fwu.edu.np

Call for Papers

Sudurpaschim (Far West) Province, made up of nine districts, is both ecologically and culturally diverse. Bordering India’s Uttarakhand to the west, Uttar Pradesh (UP) to the south and China’s Tibet to its north, the region preserves cultural and economic ties not only with the people of Nepal’s Karnali region to the east but also across international borders in the other directions. In the past, the boundaries between these various regions were fluid. Known as a gateway to Kailash and Mansarovar, home to the deities of the Hindu pantheon and numerous pilgrimage sites, following the fall of the Khas Empire in the fourteenth century, much of today’s Sudurpaschim was fragmented into small principalities known as the baise kingdoms (lit. 22 principalities). This region is still largely inaccessible and has the highest level of poverty and the lowest human development indicators in the country. To provide for their families, many people have to migrate (mostly seasonally) to India for low-paid menial work. This is not only due to difficult geographical conditions and extreme weather, but also owing to the distance from the capital and persistent neglect on the part of the government.

Though a number of studies have been conducted in the region, there is a serious lack of critical and consolidated academic attention to the province as yet. It is evident that there is a dearth of reliable academic data and documentation in a number of fields. Sustained academic engagement is required to generate a comprehensive body of knowledge on Sudurpaschim. Knowledge production should also contribute meaningfully to future policy-making on the part of government, development workers, and others. Aiming at raising the international and national profile of Sudurpaschim, this conference, being the first of its kind, expects to bring together scholars engaged in diverse fields of studies from across the globe who have researched in the region or its geographical or cultural proximities, to share and discuss their work and, thereby, to contribute to the formation and augmentation of the discourse on Sudurpaschim.

This is a multi-disciplinary conference, including but not limited to the following broad themes:

  1. Society, culture, and history
  2. Agriculture, food security, and livelihoods
  3. Science, technology, and engineering
  4. Health, population, migration, and development
  5. Policy, planning, and governance
  6. Education and pedagogy
  7. Environment, ecology, and climate change
  8. Entrepreneurship, business, and economy
  9. Innovation
  10. Policy implications

Proposals in any fields related to the Sudurpaschim region or its geographical and cultural neighbours are invited for (a) stand-alone papers, (b) panels (comprising of 3-4 papers), (c) posters, and (d) films. Academics and researchers at any stage of their career are welcome to submit proposal (abstracts) of studies at an advanced stage or that have been recently completed. The language of the conference will primarily be English. The conference will mostly be run in a hybrid mode, allowing international presenters and participants to join some sessions online.

 Other highlights

  • Policy-round tables
  • Keynotes and invited lectures/presentations
  • Student-focused sessions

Please submit an abstract not exceeding 300 words for the individual papers using the abstract submission format. Panel proposal should include the name of the conveners, title and brief description of the panel, and abstracts of the individual papers (each not exceeding 300 words). Abstracts should include research objectives, methods, engagement to literature and contributions, and provide the outline/structure of the papers, on the basis of which the paper will be assessed by our organising scientific committee. The application (abstract submission) form can be found here (Word, PDF). Submissions are to be emailed to the organizing scientific committee at: conference@fwu.edu.np


Submission of proposal/abstract: 30 June 2022* (deadline extended)
Notification of acceptance 15 July 2022
Submission of full paper/extended summary (3,000-5,000 words) 30 September 2022
Registration for presenters 1-31 October, 2022
Registration for Participants 1 November- 5 December 2022

Conference fees:  The conference will be conducted both physically and virtually.

The conference presenters (panel, paper, poster or film) will need to register within the deadline paying the following fees:

Participants Online In person*
Professionals (outside South Asia) USD 10 USD 30
Professionals (Nepal and South Asia) NRs 500 NRs 2000
Students Free NRS 1000

*This is to cover the cost of lunch and tea, coffee. Student presenters’ registration fee could be waived on a case-by-case basis.

For further information, please visit our conference pages (https://fwu.edu.np/conference.html) or contact the organizing committee at:  conference@fwu.edu.np

Organising committee

Dr Amy Johnson, Britain-Nepal Academic Council (University of Northumbria, UK)

Anuradha Rokaya, Far Western University, Nepal

Deepak Chandra Bhatt, Far Western University, Nepal

Dr Kiran Bhatta, Far Western University, Nepal

Dr Kishan Datta Bhatta, Far Western University, Nepal

Dr Krishna Adhikari, Oxford University/ Britain-Nepal Academic Council, UK

Dr Prem Singh Saud, Far Western University, Nepal

Dr Puspa Raj Pant, Britain-Nepal Academic Council (University of West of England)

Dr Rajendra Bir Chand, Far Western University, Nepal

Dr Yagya Raj Pandey, Far Western University, Nepal


Prof. Amma Raj Joshi (VC), Far Western University, Nepal

Prof. David Gellner, Oxford University, UK

Prof. Michael Hutt, Britain-Nepal Academic Council, UK

Prof. Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka, Bielefeld University, Germany


For more information and enquiries please contact BNAC Chair, Dr Sara Parker by
email: S.L.Parker@ljmu.ac.uk

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