Book discussion Britain - Nepal Academic CouncilActivitiesOthersBook discussion

Book launch ‘Political Economy of Social Change and Development in Nepal’ by Jeevan R. Sharma, 8 Nov 2022, Edinburgh

October 28, 2022

You are warmly invited to join us in celebrating Dr Jeevan’s Sharma’s latest book: Political Economy of Social Change and Development in Nepal.

Cover of "Political Economy of Social Change and Development in Nepal"

Featuring book presentation by Dr Jeevan Sharma, followed by panellist comments from Prof Kathryn March (Cornell) and Prof Jonathan Spencer (Edinburgh), and Q&A.

The book is an accessible contemporary political economic analysis of social change in Nepal. It considers whether and how Nepal’s political economy might have been transformed since the 1950s while situating these changes in Nepal’s modern history and its location in the global economic system. It assembles and builds on the scholarship on Nepal from a multidisciplinary and synoptic perspective. Focusing on local discourses, experiences and expectations of transformations, it draws our attention to how powerful historical processes are experienced and negotiated in Nepal and assess how these may, at the same time, produce ideas of equality, human rights and citizenship while also generating new forms of precarity.

The event will be held in person, with an option to join online. You only need to register if you wish to join via Zoom.

This event is co-hosted by Social Anthropology and the Centre for South Asian Studies.


15:30 – 17:00, 08 November 2022


Room G.01, 50 George Square


For more information and enquiries please contact BNAC Chair, Dr Sara Parker by
email: S.L.Parker@ljmu.ac.uk

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