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Announcement- Round-table Discussion: Nepal Elections 2013 – What Next? (6 Dec 2013)

November 16, 2013

Britain-Nepal Academic Council presents

Round-table Discussion: Nepal Elections 2013 – What Next?

Date: 6 December 2013

Time: 5:30pm – 8pm

Venue: Room G51, SOAS, University of London, Thornhaugh Street, London WC1H 0XG



David Gellner (University of Oxford)

CK Lal

Mara Malagodi (London School of Economics)

Surya Subedi (University of Leeds)

Nepal is gearing up to the elections of its second Constituent Assembly (CA). The polls are now scheduled to be held on Tuesday 19 November after having been postponed twice, in November 2012 and June 2013. Nepali voters this month will elect members to a unicameral assembly, which is deputed to function both as the country’s legislature and constitution-drafting body. It will again feature 601 seats allocated through a mixed electoral system. The success of the now faltering seven-year-long peace process entirely hinges on the country’s multiplying political groups finding a viable agreement, both inside and outside the CA, upon the drafting of the new constitution—the seventh in Nepal’s history.

Please join us to share thoughts on the elections, and what they mean for the future of Nepal.

Updates: To read the news of the event and see pictures, please visit this link.


For more information and enquiries please contact BNAC Chair, Dr Sara Parker by
email: S.L.Parker@ljmu.ac.uk

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