MARCH 2025

Nepal Study Days Britain - Nepal Academic CouncilActivitiesNepal Study Days

19th NSD – Conference Schedule

April 03, 2022

19th BNAC Nepal Study Days

Hosted by Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford

64 and 61 Banbury Road Oxford, OX2 6PE

13-14 April 2022

             Contact: bnacstudyday@gmail.com |+447411558732, +447962254274, +447861492654                                                                                                      

 (NB: For participation, registration is required: Please register here: https://forms.gle/voBEbJzdfaCBuVoSA. Closes on 11 Apr 2022)

Conference Programme

Parallel session A (Both days): 64 Banbury Road & Online (Teams link has been emailed to all registered participants)

Parallel session B (Both days): 61 Banbury Road & Online (Teams link has been emailed to all registered participants)


Day 1: Wednesday 13th April
9:00 – 9:45  Entry (registration). Venue: 64 Banbury Road & online.

(Teams link has been emailed to all registered participants)

9:45 -10:00 Introduction: Krishna Adhikari (BNAC Chairperson)
Welcome: David Gellner   
Parallel Sessions
Time Parallel Session A – 64 Banbury Road & online

(Teams link has been emailed to all registered participants)

Parallel Session B – 61 Banbury Road & online

(Teams link has been emailed to all registered participants)

10:00 – 11:15 A1. History and Cultural Production (panel I)

Chair:  David Gellner

B1. Health (panel I)

Chair:  Jeevan Sharma

Musing on the Memory of Performance: From Content to Context of Selected Tharu Folk Songs [online]

Mohan Dangaura, TU, Nepal

Socio-economic Inequalities in Hypertension, Diabetes and Overweight in Nepal: A Decomposition Analysis of 2019 Nepal STEPwise Survey [online]

Uttam Paudel & Bihungum Bista, Nepal Health Research Council, Nepal

‘Guru Rinpoche is Shivaji’: Identity and Ethnic Boundary Drift in Nepal’s Ethnic Paintings [in person]

Jingwei Li, Sichuan University China

Manifestations of Trauma amongst Ex-combatants in Nepal [online]

Heidi Riley, University College Dublin

Liberating Arniko to Transcultural Complexity [in person]

Zezhou Yang & Tainyi Chen, SOAS, University of London, & Heidelberg University

Effect of School Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene on Health Status of Basic Level Students’ in Nepal [online]

Mohan Kumar Sharma & Ramesh Adhikari, TU, Nepal

11:15-11:30 [Coffee] Break
11:30– 12:45









A2. History and Cultural Production (panel II)

Chair: Michael Hutt

B2. Health (panel II)

Chair: Ram Prasad Mainali

Transit Kathmandu [online]

Dikshya Karki

Covid 19: Coping Strategies Among Nepali Community in the UK [in person]

Naresh Khapangi Magar, Centre for Nepal Studies UK [In person],  Padam Simkhada, University of Huddersfield [online], & Krishna Adhikari, University of Oxford [In person]

The Making of Colonial Darjeeling, 1830-1930 [In person]

Mingma Lhamu Pakhrin, JNU, Delhi

Sustainability of Community-based Health Promotion Interventions on Maternity and Neonatal Care in Nepal: Findings from Ten-Year Controlled, Non-randomised Study [online]

Padam Simkhada [online], University of Huddersfield; Vijay Singh GC, University of York; Edwin van Teijlingen, Bournemouth University; Sharada Prasad Wasti, University of Huddersfield

Gurkha Knife in Polish War Two Memoirs [In person]

Paulina Stanik, University of Warsaw

Using Participatory Visual Approaches to Engage Communities in Public Health Research: Openings and Obstacles for Listening to Ethnic Minority Women in a Participatory Video Project in Rural Nepal  [online]

Sarita Pandey, University of Essex, School of Health and Social Care

12:45-13:45 Lunch

(BNAC Executive Committee Meeting 61 Banbury Road)



Plenary 1: Nepal Conversations: Rethinking Knowledge Production and Exchange

64 Banbury Road & online  (Teams link has been emailed to all registered participants)

(Coordinators: Uma Pradhan, UCL (moderator) [in person]; Nimesh Dhungana, University of Manchester, (moderator) & Kumud Rana, University of Zurich [online]

Panellists: Sara Parker, LJMU, Sohan Sha, Martin Chautari, & Janak Rai, TU (tbc)

Time Parallel Session A – 64 Banbury Road & online

(Teams link has been emailed to all registered participants)

Parallel Session B – 61 Banbury Road & online

(Teams link has been emailed to all registered participants)

14:45 – 16:00


A3. Politics and Federalism

Chair: Krishna Adhikari

B3. Youth and (Social) Media

Chair: Stefanie Lotter

Analysing Nepal’s Foreign Policy: A Hedging Perspective [in person]

Raunak Mainali, Centre for Social Change Nepal

Mapping Social Media Use Among Youth Organizations Post-2015 Earthquake [in person]

Phoenix Kenney, University of Cambridge

What does Federalism Mean for Political Representatives and Stakeholders? [online]

Jayanta Rai, SOAS University of London

‘Gurkha Lives Matter!’ Digital Divides and Youth Activism in Britain’s Gurkha Justice Campaigns [in person]

Premila van Ommen, University of the Arts, London

Challenges and Opportunities of Federalisation in the Nepalese Health System

Pasang D. Tamang, Padam Simkhada and Bibha Simkhada (University of Huddersfield), & Edwin van Teijlingen, University of Bournemouth.

Sustainability of Online News Media in Nepal: Financial Models and Prospects [online]

Prabesh Subedi, Digital Media Foundation

16:00-16:30 [Coffee] Break
16:30-17:45 Plenary 2: Dalits

Chair: David Gellner

A – 64 Banbury Road & online  (Teams link has been emailed to all registered participants)

Changing Dynamics of Discrimination Based on Caste and Practice of Untouchability: An Intergenerational Experience [online]

Ujjwal Sundas & Gopal Nepali, Samata Foundation

Facing Multi-Layered Deprivation: State of Dalits of Nepal’s Tarai [online]

Rakshya Ram Harijan, Chief Attorney Office, Madhesh Province, Nepal & Krishna Adhikari, University of Oxford [online]

Dalits as subjects, Dalits as authors [in person]

Michael Hutt, SOAS

18:30 Dinner at Nepali Restaurant
Day 2: Thursday, 14 April 2022
9:30-10:30 Plenary 3  Roundtable on Jeevan Sharma’s book:

64 Banbury Road & online  (Teams link has been emailed to all registered participants)

Political Economy of Social Change and Development in Nepal

Panellists: David Gellner, Oxford University (Moderator) [in person], Mallika Shakya, South Asian University [online],  and Ramesh Sunam, Waseda University [online]

10:30-10:45 [Coffee] Break
Time Parallel Session A – 64 Banbury Road & online

(Teams link has been emailed to all registered participants)

Parallel Session B – 61 Banbury Road & online

(Teams link has been emailed to all registered participants)

10:45 – 12:00 A4. Migration (panel I)

Chair: Krishna Adhikari

B4. Education

Chair: Tejendra Pherali

Widening the Theoretical Remit of Return Migration and Reintegration [in person]

Prakash Khanal, Himalayan Development International

Roles of Technology and the English Language in Reinforcing or Reducing Marginalisation in Low-resourced Contexts [in person]

Saraswati Dawadi [in person], Agnes Kukulska-Hulme and Mark Gaved [in person], Open University, UK  

Characteristics of Labour-Migration between Nepal & India [online]

Deepak Chandra Bhatta, Far-Western University

Bureaucratising Social Justice: The Reproduction of Social Inequality through Scholarship Programs in Nepal  [in person]

Uma Pradhan, UCL [in person], Todd Wallenius [online], Karen Valentin [online], Aarhus University

Exploring Marital Relationships and Health of Non-migrating spouses of Low and Semi-skilled International Migrant Workers From Nepal [in person]

Shraddha Manandhar, University of Huddersfield [in person], Edwin van Teijlingen, University of Bournemouth, Padam Simkhada (online), University of Huddersfield, Philip Brown,

Participation of Nepalese Female Students and Faculty in International Academic Community-Challenges and Impact


Anna Sadecka, University of Warsaw

12:00-12:20 PhD Dissertation Prize 2022 – Announcement. 64 Banbury Road & online  (Teams link has been emailed to all registered participants)
12:20- 14:00 Lunch
13:00-14:00 BNAC General Assembly (AGM)– BNAC Members only. 64 Banbury Road & online (Teams link has been emailed to all registered participants)
Time Parallel Session A – 64 Banbury Road & online

(Teams link has been emailed to all registered participants)

Parallel Session B – 61 Banbury Road & online

(Teams link has been emailed to all registered participants)

14:00 – 15:15 A5. Migration (panel II)

Chair: Jeevan Sharma

B5. Gender and Development

Chair: Ben Campbell

Trapped in Debt: Invisible Violence of Migration in Nepal  [in person]

Ina Zharkevich, University of Oxford

Causes of Low Performance in English: Perspectives of College Teachers [online]

Gambhir Bahadur Chand, Far Western University Nepal

Hearts in Australia, Souls in Nepal: Migration and Affective Intergenerational Aspirations [online]

Amrita Limbu, Western Sydney University

An Overview of Menstrual Normativity in Nepal [in person]

Stefanie Lotter, SOAS &  Neeti Aryal Khanal, TU

They too Served: Nepali Women and Children of the British Gurkha Regiment in Asia (1947-1971) [In person]

Hema Kiruppalini, National University of Singapore 

Categorising the Uncategorised: Understanding the Diversity and Marginality of Gurkha Women [online]

Sanjay Sharma, National University of Singapore

15:15-15:30 [Coffee] Break
Time Parallel Session A – 64 Banbury Road & online

(Teams link has been emailed to all registered participants)

Parallel Session B – 61 Banbury Road & online

(Teams link has been emailed to all registered participants)

15:30– 17:10 A6. Energy, the Environment, Earthquake

Chair: Ina Zharkevich

B6. Occupations and Diversification

Chair: Stephen Biggs

Notes From a Buffer Zone of Just Energy Innovation [in person]

Ben Campbell, Durham University & Manoj Suji, Independent Researcher

Current Demands in the Nepali Electricity Sector: For a Social Reproduction Theory of Infrastructure. [online]

Mikkel Vindegg, CICERO Centre for International Climate Research, Oslo.

People, Animals and Escalating Tensions: The Case of Bardia National Park (BNP) [In person]

Nolwen Vouiller, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales

Understanding Risk in High-Altitude Mountaineering through Climbing Sherpas’ Narratives in Nepal [online]

Medhavi Gulati, Panjab University, India

Reconstruction Narrative of Nepal Himalayas [online]

Kamal Bahadur Mahat, Triveni Rural Municipality

Experiments in Collective Farming in Nepal, Bihar and West Bengal: Lessons for Land Reform and the Agrarian Future of the Gangetic Plains [online]

Fraser Sugden, University of Birmingham

Living and Dealing with Landslides: The Political Ecology of Landslide Risks in Nepal [online]

Ramesh Shrestha, [online], Nick Rosser & Ben Campbell [In person] Durham University; &  Katie Oven, Northumbria University

Identity and Cultural Change among the Nepali Youth in Rushmoor, UK [in person]

Prajol Gurung, University of Oxford



(The BNAC would like to thank the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, the University of Oxford for hosting the NSDs and supporting the event.)



For more information and enquiries please contact BNAC Chair, Dr Sara Parker by
email: S.L.Parker@ljmu.ac.uk

BNAC Executive Board have produced a brochure to publicise the Council's activities. Please click here to download a PDF (13 MB)

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