News Britain - Nepal Academic CouncilNews

BNAC’s 20th Anniversary Celebrated

January 20, 2021

5 November 2020

Britain Nepal Academic Council’s 20th Anniversary was celebrated organising a programme online over Zoom.  On the occasion, Dr Krishna Adhikari, the Chair of the Council, making opening remarks with detailed PowerPoint presentation highlighted the Council’s past achievements and activities.

Also visit:

BNAC 20th Anniversary Celebration- Chairs Remarks Dr Krishna Adhikari 5-11-2020

BNAC 20th Anniversary-PPT Presentation Dr Krishna Adhikari 5-11-2020

Dr Adhikari presented the future plans and activities and thanked everyone concerned, both individuals and institutions, for their support, collaboration and cooperation over the years to bring the BNAC to today’s status.

The founding Chair of the BNAC Prof Surya Subedi (QC, OBE, DCL, LLD) addressed the gathering, reminding of the circumstances that lead to the establishment of the BNAC in the year 2000, and achievement made during his tenure. Subedi led the organisation for first nine years, before handing over the Chair’s responsibilities to Prof Michael Hutt.

Subedi’s full lecture can be read:

Surya Subedi- BNAC 20th Aniversary Speech 5 Nov 2020

Nepali Ambassador to the UK HE Durga Bahadur Subedi extended best wishes for the success of the Council, and requested scholars to contribute to the Development of Nepal.

During the programme the winners of the BNAC PhD Dissertation Prize 2020  Dr Liana Chase and Dr Ivan Deschenaux  were awarded the prize with £250 cash and memento for their PhD dissertation chapters ‘Care in Translation’ and ‘No Culture of Our Own’ respectively.

Finally, to mark the occasion Martin Gaenszle (Professor of Cultural and Intellectual History of Modern South Asia, the University of Vienna, Austria.) delivered the 20th Anniversary as well as 18th Nepal Annual Lecture on ‘Satyahangma Rituals: Commemorating Phalgunanda in Eastern Nepal (सत्यहाङ्मा संस्कारहरू: पूर्वी नेपालमा फाल्गुनन्दको पुण्यस्मृति)’



For more information and enquiries please contact Dr Krishna Adhikari by
email: krishna.adhikari@anthro.ox.ac.uk

BNAC Executive Board have produced a brochure to publicise the Council's activities. Please click here to download a PDF (13 MB)

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