JULY 2024

Nepal Study Days Britain - Nepal Academic CouncilActivitiesNepal Study Days

Nepal Study Days, Bournemouth, 12-13 Apr. 2017- All information

March 20, 2017

15th BNAC Nepal Study Days

12-13 April 2017

Executive Business Centre, Bournemouth University.

89 Holdenhurst Rd, Bournemouth BH8 8EB

Photo Credit: Sara Parker

The Britain Nepal Academic Council (BNAC) in collaboration with Bournemouth University has successfully organised the 15th BNAC Nepal Study Days. All relevant information of the event are listed below.

Final programme (PDF) is here.

Book of abstracts of oral and poster presentation (PDF) is here.

Photos of the event are on BNAC Facebook page. more photos in flicker (by Sara Parker)

Detailed news were published in Kantipur, Wenepali, Nepal Khabar, Londonkathmandu.

Please click here to register online  or (goo.gl/VNe1yM). (registration is now closed)

21 papers and eight posters were presented and presented/displayed, and a specialised workshop targeted to the PhD students on ‘Capacity Building: Writing a PhD Application’ was organised. In addition, a short keynote address was given by Pratyoush Onta followed by the detailed discussion. BNAC GM is also took place on the second day of the event. Dr Ben Campbell and Dr Kalyan Bhandari were reelected as members of the Executive Committee. Dr Tejendra Pherali is a newly elected member to the Committee. Dr Sondra Hausener and Prof Edwin van Teijlingen are co-opted for two years in the Committee.

BNAC has announced a PhD Dissertation Prize to be implemented from 2018.

Next Nepal Study Days will take place in Durham.

The local organising committee consisted of Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen, Pramod Regmi, Jib Acharya and Preeti Mahato.


For more information and enquiries please contact Dr Krishna Adhikari by
email: krishna.adhikari@anthro.ox.ac.uk

BNAC Executive Board have produced a brochure to publicise the Council's activities. Please click here to download a PDF (13 MB)

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